JottingsSeptember 14, 2021



Together, we will untether the tight bands that constrict our vulnerability and create space for beauty to bloom out of pain, confusion and the constant buzzing of the world.

In Jottings, we strive to uncover ourselves and our struggles in order to help heal ourselves and our community. It can take only one person sharing their heart, tapping into their personal strength and resilience to set off a massive ripple effect in which others can find empowerment in their own story.

Our society perceives admitting you are unwell as a weakness — and yet, this act alone is a sign of bravery. When you come forth honestly, you are claiming your agency, allowing yourself the space to not be well which is the first step on the path to healing.

I hope that within Jottings, you will find words and snapshots of others’ journeys that resonate with your own — and that through this recognition, you are able to find communal strength and grow to accept every part of yourself..

We are all beautifully unique while simultaneously being intrinsically connected through this shared experience of life. Together, I know we can help each other grow into the strong, self-aware warriors we are truly meant to be.


Comfort Rings and the Importance of Crucible Projects

Jenny Wadhwa | July 6, 2021 I am a pretty glitzy gal. To give you an idea, my perfect day would be getting all glammed up to go check out cool new boutiques and antique shops in SoHo, then going out to a rooftop restaurant to eat amazing food followed by finding a cute local
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You Are More.

Kelsey Pacetti | June, 25, 2021 At least once a day my brain asks: “am I enough, or am I too much?” This is one of many thoughts that I battle daily and I know that I am not alone in that. Stigma has affected my life in more ways than I can count. I
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Breanna’s Journey

Breanna Kennedy | May 19, 2021 Fear and silence. These intimate, yet overbearing forces consumed not only my mental health but my entire life for years. Coming from a Southern Black family who has experienced generations of oppression and, moreover, has developed an unwillingness to discuss taboo” topics such as mental health, I was completely
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Learning How To Dance With The Ever-changing Winds

Julia Hansen| April 1, 2021 Sometimes I feel like a tumbleweed blowing in the wind — being blown this way and that, dictated by the wind patterns, never fully feeling that I have sure footing. I consider myself to be a pretty well-rounded, self-assured individual, so feeling like a tumbleweed is not a lovely feeling
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Just Say Something!

Julia Hansen| March 24, 2021 Conversations around death and loss can be highly sensitive and awkward — but nonetheless, incredibly important. Our society often shys away from this topic out of fear, embarrassment and discomfort which in turn can create increased feelings of isolation, loneliness and distress for survivors. I had a really clarifying moment
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