
Make a Monthly Donation
Corporate Sponsorship
Send Us a Check
If you prefer to donate via mailed check, please make it out to The Yellow Tulip Project and send to the following address:
The Yellow Tulip Project
63 Federal St,
Portland, ME 04101
If you would like to include a note for “In memory/honor of…”, please be sure to include that with your check.
Corporate Matching Gifts
Learn about how to make your gift extend further–many companies encourage employees to donate to their favorite charities by matching their contributions, sometimes dollar-for-dollar or more. Some companies even match gifts made by retirees and/or spouse.
If your company has a matching gift program, request a matching gift form from your employer, complete the employee section of the form and send it completed and signed with your gift to 63 Federal St, Portland ME 04101 or directly to
If your company uses an online matching gift platform, submit a matching gift verification request through your company’s online portal. We will do the rest! We will complete the form and return it to your employer’s matching gifts office for processing or verify your gift on-line. The company will send its matching donation directly to The Yellow Tulip Project.
Donation Tiers

- Supplies helpline magnets and other materials for one school

- Provides help line magnets and Hope Garden Kit for multiple schools
- Helps build the YTP Ambassador Program

- Provides help line magnets and Hope Garden Kit for multiple schools
- Helps build the YTP Ambassador program
- Helps expand the I Am More: Facing Stigma exhibit to more communities

- Provides help line magnets and Hope Garden Kit for multiple schools
- Helps build the YTP Ambassador program and supply stipends for Leadership Team
- Helps expand the I Am More: Facing Stigma exhibit to more communities

- Provides help line magnets and Hope Garden Kit for multiple schools
- Helps build the YTP Ambassador program and supply stipends for Leadership Team
- Helps expand I Am More: Facing Stigma exhibit to more communities
- Helps build our speakers program at middle and high schools