ExpressAugust 04, 2023

EXPRESS: Leila Bower, Brooklyn NY, 31 (@leopardprintlaser)

As a teenager, I developed some unhealthy habits as a way of masking my insecurities. It wasn’t until my early twenties that I realized that lasting happiness would only come by basing my self-worth on what I thought of me rather than what others thought of me.  I worked on treating myself with compassion which meant setting boundaries, advocating for myself, and asking for help. 

Art is one healthy way I’ve been able to express myself and explore ideas freely. I started drawing at a young age, but I didn’t start playing guitar until I was around twenty-five. My friend lent me his electric guitar and I started practicing regularly. Surrounding myself with people who encouraged me to pursue my passions and offered guidance and help along the way was integral to developing my confidence in performing. I started playing with a band a few years ago and we are releasing a full-length album at the end of the month! 

Be kind to yourself.

P.S. If you are interested in learning a musical instrument, you can check out different instruments for free at certain New York public library locations. 


EXPRESS is a new section of our blog devoted to YTP’s creative community.


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