Spring March 27, 2022
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Stigma Stories: Julia Castro
Storytellers share personal experiences about how their identity intersects with mental health!
Join Julia Castro on Sunday, March 27th at 5:30-6:30pm EST to talk about her journey with mental health. REGISTER HERE.
“I am Mexican born in a state that borders the Arizona border, Sonoran, and the only female daughter of three. Much of my history has a lot to do with the region where I lived all my childhood until I finished university. A small city with less than half a million people, a conservative city, surrounded by a large agricultural valley and with a large number of ranches and people who live from livestock….
When you grow up in an environment that is not yet ready, there is only one thing that could happen: feeling that you do not fit in, that you do not belong or that you are wrong and there is something wrong with you, in this case with me.
I have never fit into any stereotype, into any type of label or style.”