Spring May 14, 2024 11:00 am - 2:30 pm

Deer Isle-Stonington Hope Day

On Tuesday, May 14th, Deer Isle-Stonington High School and Opiate-Free Island Partnership will collaborate on a Hope Day for grades 9-12 to raise awareness of mental health issues and substance use disorder, addressing stigma along the way.

The half day event will begin with a special lunch, where guest speakers will share personal stories of hope and resilience. Activities planned for the afternoon include movement and stress relief techniques, art and music, and outdoor experiences on trails and nature walks. The event will conclude at the High School’s Tulip Garden with a special dedication to Mike Wood.

The Details:

Tuesday, May 14th at 11-2:30PM
Deer Isle-Stonington High School
251 N Deer Isle Rd, Deer Isle, ME 04627

Contact Information:

Opiate-Free Island Partnership, Ashley Pesek, Program Director: ofip.director@gmail.com

Deer Isle-Stonington High School, Rebecca Gratz, Principal: rgratz@dishs.org

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