Facilitated by YTP’s Director of Youth Engagement. Can be held virtually or in-person.
“It Starts With You: A Self-Care Toolkit”:
Defines self-care, explores (6) different spheres of self-care, and how to create healthy boundaries for meaningful relationships. The goal is to build conversation by inviting folks to reflect on their own experiences and to create seeds for growth.
This workshop is ideal for youth and adults who are interested in wellness and how to incorporate a self-care practice in their lives.
“Let’s Talk: Mental Health & Smashing the Stigma”:
Begins with the history of YTP and addresses stigma head on. What is stigma? What are the roots of stigma? Where do you see it and how can we disrupt it? The goal is to smash the stigma surrounding mental health & illness through open dialogue and getting curious together.
This workshop is ideal for youth and adults who are interested in diving deep and getting to the heart of the repercussions of stigma and how to make change.
“The Intersections of Identity & Mental Health”:
Explores the concept and framework of intersectionality, examining the relationships between systems, identity, and mental health through the lens of race, gender, and sexuality specifically.
“Our mental health oftentimes does not exist separately from identity markers….[as] there may be unique life stressors that accompany these identity markers….It is important to understand that our individual identities are not the issue, the problem lies within power systems that cause discrimination and oppression.” – The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
This workshop is ideal for youth and adults who are interested in learning about mental health and suicide from both a ‘micro’ (interpersonal) and ‘macro’ (systems) lens.
Workshops can also be customized to meet the needs of your school or community. To learn more, email ysanne@theyellowtulipproject.org