Acts of self compassion


These past few months of the pandemic, I have often felt dull, with a need to get my hands dirty and create something beautiful. Sometimes, the simple act of getting out of bed, or really breathing in the air, is my daily accomplishment and that is okay. I strongly believe that expectations, such as responding to an email or vacuuming the dust-collecting carpet, must be softened during these constantly-confusing, painful and changing times — we never know how our body/mind/spirit may react to what the next day holds.

I Like To Move It Move It…Even If It’s Just Knitting!

Hi lovely readers, I am excited to tackle the topic of the interconnectedness between mental health and physical activity, but first and foremost I want to say something important: You are strong, smart, powerful, deserving of love, deserving of joy and goodness, you are beautiful and brave. This is a wonderful world but, unfortunately, our …

I Like To Move It Move It…Even If It’s Just Knitting! Read More »

Collaging, and the outer expression of self.

A healing and artistic way to engage in self care that I have tapped into recently is collaging. Whether it’s collaging using old children’s books, newspapers or even food packaging items, I have had a lot of fun using my outer surroundings as inspiration and incorporating them into a creative, hands-on art piece. What I particularly enjoy about the act of collaging is that it requires less active mental attention and instead only demands curious, wandering eyes.

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